The effects of steam injection on combustion products and thermodynamic properties of diesel fuel, soybean oil-based biodiesel\n(NBD), and waste cooking oil biodiesel (WCOB) are examined in this study by considering the chemical equilibrium. The model\ngives equilibrium mole fractions, specific heat of the exhaust mixtures of 10 combustion products, and adiabatic flame temperatures.\nThe results show that the mole fractions of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) decrease with the steam\ninjection ratios. Nitric oxide (NO) mole fractions decrease with the steam injections ratios for lean mixtures. The specific heat of\ncombustion products increases with the steam injection ratios. The equilibrium combustion products obtained can be used to\ncalculate the nonequilibrium values of NO in the exhaust gases using some existing correlations of NO kinetics.